Wall art and Paste-up session in urban space

“Parcours” / Urban space
Collages & exhibition / Clohars Carnoët, France, 2023
At the invitation of the Jumble Gallery in Lorient and the commune of Clohars Carnoët, I carried out a collage course of original works painted in public space during the end of summer 2023. In parallel, my work as workshop was exhibited in La Longère: the city gallery.
“The trapeze artist” / Espace Victor Lemoine
Mural / Thatches in Retz, France, 2023
In collaboration with the artist LLoeill, and at the invitation of VTR art, I created a fresco on the facade of the new Cultural Space in the town of Chaumes en Retz (44). A trapeze artist moves among colorful arabesques to celebrate the rebirth of this ancient theater which has become a place of multiple artistic expressions.

“All of us”
wall painting / Reims France, 2023
Mural painted with Label Rue collective in Reims, France during festival organised by Bronca
“Oceanic Dreams”
wall painting / Saint Nazaire, France, 2023
Private command in sea side house, in Kerlédé, Saint-Nazaire.

wall painting / Bamako, Mali, 2023
Result of the 15 days residency in Bamako, Invited by the Institut Français in Mali to lead a muralism workshop.
Ouda / Nouvelle Chaumiere
Wall painting / Nantes, France, 2023
Very happy to have painted this fresco for a new ephemeral artistic ans solidarity wasteland in Nantes
Gate tectonics / (F)utiles
tryptic door painting / La Montagne, France, 2022
Invited by the association (F)utiles to create an exterior painting for the Loire by bike route, Sébastien Bouchard offers a triptych of painted doors, where 3 faces respond to each other: Asia, Africa and Europe seem to welcome the walker in complete serenity.
– Ouest France / 27.09.2022 / La Montagne. F’Utiles expose une œuvre de Sébastien Bouchard

Tribute to..
Pasteup / Edinburgh, Scotland, 2022
two portrait pasted of scotish artists :
– William Delatour (1700/1767)
– David Martin (1737/1798)
pasted in the street of edinburgh, Scotland
L’Icone / Echo Festival
Wall art painting collaboration with Tanala / Le Loroux Bottereau, France, 2022
The Echo Festival was born from the desire to take advantage of the exceptional setting of the former Loroux Bottereau hospital to invite artists to take over the premises. More than thirty local artists and collectives participated via graffiti, painting, stencil, collage, volume creation or screen printing.
By a happy coincidence, this maternity is also the birthplace of Sébastien Bouchard who create with Tanala a new version of asian madona, with bizantin and natural attributs.
Journées du Patrimoine / Feydeau Collective
Painting paste up Ile Feydeau / Nantes, France, 2021
The collective of inhabitants of Feydeau Island, an historic district of Nantes with a heritage linked to the Atlantic triangular trade, invited Sébastien Bouchard during the event “Les Journées du Patrimoine” to create his collages of paintings in the courtyards and on the walls of buildings.
Operation Colombes / Médecins du Monde
Wall art / 2021, Nantes France
To mark the 35th anniversary of its presence, the organization has chosen an artist, in each city where it is present, to create a fresco inspired by the dove, the emblem of Médecins du Monde. In Nantes, it’s the artist Sébastien Bouchard, known for his urban and committed works, who imagined and painted a work around a sub-Saharan face and a bird’s wing.
Medium / Murs-Mur
Wall art / september 2021, rue des olivettes, Nantes, France
Commissioned by the owner of a former upholsterer’s workshop converted into an office, Sébastien Bouchard and LLoeil created wall art “Medium”, a colorful contemporary nod to “La Florentine” by Flandrin, a painting kept at the Nantes art museum.

FlowerPower / particular order
september 2020, Boju street, Trentemoult, France
in a former home to fisherman and Cape Horners, Trentemoult is a colorfull village where urban art is growing each year. Sébastien Bouchard was commisioned by the owner of this house to create a wall art who remind us the connection between human and nature.
Urban voices / Alliance Française
workshop & Artshow, Ziguinchor, Sénégal
At the invitation of the Alliance Française of Zinguinchor, Casamance, Sébastien Bouchard led a workshop on artistic practice in an urban environment for an audience of amateur and professional artists.
In parallel, an exhibition of the artist’s works was organized

Abysses & Rivages / Alliance Francaise
paste up paintings & Exhibition / Banjul, Gambia, 2018
invited by the Alliance Française of Banjul to present an exhibition of paintings, Sébastien Bouchard intervened in parallel in the streets of the capital and in the villages of Gambia by pasting a series of paintings.